Village Vacances Valcartier

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The Bora Parc is full

The day time slot is full until March 8th inclusive and the evening time slot is full until March 7th inclusive. Don't forget to buy your tickets in advance.
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Click here to look at the sliding conditions.

Accessibility plan for people with disabilities

Village Vacances Valcartier is proud to offer excellence in customer service to all guests visiting our parks and making them fully accessible to all members of the community living with a disability.

Safety guidelines

The safety rules are posted at every attraction and at many locations throughout the parks. In addition, safety rules for each attraction are posted on our website along with video documentation of what our guests can expect from our rides. Our guests should familiarize themselves with the rules and comply to them at all times.

Due to safety regulations, some water slides require that guests be able to enter, ride and exit the attraction independently.

As a rider, you are responsible for your own safety. Please read the safety guidelines at each attraction and review the rules and videos for each attraction on our website. If you feel your health could be at risk for any reason, or you may aggravate a pre-existing condition of any kind. Do not ride.

We reserve the right to deny access to a ride to anyone who we feel may not be able to safely experience it or may be a hazard to other riders.


Village Vacances Valcartier offers handicap accessible parking. Proper vehicle identification must be displayed at all times.

Support persons and cards

Village Vacances Valcartier accepts Easter Seals’ Access 2 cards as well as the Tourist and Leisure Companion Sticker (TLCS) and its newer version.

Access 2 provides persons with a disability a personalized card printed with their name and the expiry date. Upon presentation of this card, a support person accompanying the visitor will receive a free ticket.

The Tourist and Leisure Companion Sticker (TLCS) gives free access to the companions of people aged 5 and older with a permanent disability. A permanent disability includes, but is not limited to, physical, intellectual, developmental and sensory disabilities, as well as mental illness. The companion sticker is designed to enable people with a disability to take part fully and safely in these activities, in the same capacity as any other citizen.

When coming to Village Vacances Valcartier, holders of these cards are asked to go directly to the Information Booth to present the card along with a piece of ID. The guest with a disability will pay the regular price and will be eligible to all promotions. The support person will receive a free ticket. 

The person with a disability and support person must attend all attractions together.

Access 2 and Tourist and Leisure Companion Sticker are the only accepted forms of verification for need of a support person. In absence of either one of these cards, regular admission rates apply to the support person as well as the guest.

For information about the cards, the criteria to obtain them and the registration to these programs, please refer to the issuing organisations’ websites.

Acces 2 :

Tourist and Leisure Companion Sticker  (TLCS):

Service Animals

Service animals are welcome within the common areas of our premises that are open to the public. If it is not apparent that the animal is a service animal, the person with the disability may be required to provide proof such as a letter from a physician confirming that the person required the animal for reasons relating to his or her disability or documentation that shows the guest is certified as a service animal handler.

It is the responsibility of the service animal’s owner to ensure that his or her service animal is kept in control at all times and that the dog is taken out of the public areas of the park to urinate or defecate. It is also incumbent upon the owner of the dog to pick up and dispose of feces from their service animal.

Due to the nature of our attractions, service animals are not allowed on or in the rides. Service animals are not allowed in the pools or water areas for health reasons. Animals must remain with a non-riding member of the guest’s party. Village Vacances Valcartier employees are not permitted to take control of service animals.

Guests whose service animals demonstrate aggressive actions toward our guests or employees will be directed to remove the animal from the parks. Limit of one service animal per guest.


Village Vacances Valcartier is wheelchair accessible in all common areas. The resort-like nature of our activities includes a great deal of grassy areas where guests picnic as well as a sandy beach area. All our main traffic areas are hard surface and can be easily travelled by a wheelchair right up to the entrance/exits of all attractions.

Note that many of our attractions are accessed by stairs towers. Be sure to consult our website under the «Activity and services» and the «Information» tabs for more information before your visit and to watch videos detailing safety rules.

Associations and Organizations for People with Disabilities

Organizations supporting persons with disabilities who wish to provide an outing to Village Vacances Valcartier for their members are invited to contact us directly to discuss accommodations and Group Rates.

Questions or comments

If you have any question or would like to share a comment about your visit to Village Vacances Valcartier, please contact us through e-mail at or by phone at 418 844-2200.

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