Village Vacances Valcartier

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The Bora Parc is full

The day time slot is full until March 8th inclusive and the evening time slot is full until March 7th inclusive. Don't forget to buy your tickets in advance.
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​Visit the Hôtel de Glace (ice hotel)


Winter Playground
Hôtel de Glace (ice hotel)

Tall price
$64 99
See details
This one-day package includes:
  • One day access to snow slides including snow rafting (Consult the schedule: some evenings are closed)
  • On day access to the Hôtel de Glace (ice hotel) from 10 a.m. to closing. (Please note that as of 8 p.m., suites are reserved for overnight guests at the Hôtel de Glace (ice hotel)) (See the schedule)
  • Access to the ice skating path

Limited quantity. Online sale only.

Hôtel de Glace (ice hotel)
4 people at $99.96+tx
2024-2025 Winter

Price per ticket
$24 99
Price on site $39.99
See details
This package for 4 people includes:
  • On day access to the Hôtel de Glace (ice hotel) from 10 a.m. to closing. (Please note that as of 8 p.m., suites rooms are reserved for overnight guests at the Hôtel de Glace (ice hotel)) )See the schedule)


Hôtel de Glace (ice hotel) - Tour – Day Pass Ticket

Tall price
$34 99
Price on site $39.99
See details
This ticket includes:
  • Access to the Hôtel de Glace (ice hotel) from 10 a.m. to closing. (Please note that as of 8 p.m., suites are reserved for overnight guests at the Hôtel de Glace (ice hotel)) (See the schedule)

Hôtel de Glace (ice hotel) - Tour – Evening Pass Ticket

Tall price
$24 99
Price on site $29.99
See details
This ticket includes:
  • Access to the Hôtel de Glace (ice hotel) from 8 p.m. to closing. (The Suites section will be closed as of 8 p.m. as it is reserved for overnight guests of the Hôtel de Glace (ice hotel)). (See the schedule)

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