Village Vacances Valcartier

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The Bora Parc is full

The day time slot is full until March 8th inclusive and the evening time slot is full until March 7th inclusive. Don't forget to buy your tickets in advance.
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Valcartier Campground

B - Tent

With shared water supply
$49 00

C - Tent

With water & electricity (15 amps.)
$59 00

D - Tent trailer

With water & electricity (15 amps.)
$59 00

E - Travel trailer

With water & electricity (30 amps.)
$65 00

F - Travel trailer

With water, sewer & electricity (30 amps.)
$75 00

G - Travel trailer

With water, sewer & electricity (50 amps.)
$79 00

Prospector Cabin

$169 00

Rustic Cabin

$229 00

Travel Trailer

$539 00

H - Tent trailer/travel trailer

with water (in bright sunlight)
Reservation 418 844-2200 / 1 888 384-5524

HE - Tent trailer/travel trailer

With water & electricity (15 amps.)
Reservation 418 844-2200 / 1 888 384-5524

Additional person or day visitor

$10 00

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