Village Vacances Valcartier

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The Bora Parc is full

The day time slot is full until March 8th inclusive and the evening time slot is full until March 7th inclusive. Don't forget to buy your tickets in advance.
Book your tickets online

Click here to look at the sliding conditions.


Capsule and Chute Libre

The trap door shuts. There's no going back. 3, 2, 1...the floor beneath you suddenly opens and you shoot down the slide at a speed you never experienced before. Faster and faster until...splash! You're at the bottom, left wanting for more! Experience the Totally Unexpected!

Safety rules: Children measuring 1.32 m (52 in.) or over. Riders must slide standing up with legs and arms crossed. Glasses, personal flotation devices, Gopros, t-shirts and water shoes are prohibited. Not recommended for pregnant women, people with heart conditions, back or neck problems or people with claustrophobia.

Good to know

  • Simulated free fall
  • Over 15 meters high
  • Individual body slide (on the back)
  • 275 lbs. maximum

Good to know

  • Simulated free fall
  • Over 15 meters high
  • Individual body slide (on the back)
  • 275 lbs. maximum

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